(function ymapsInit (env) { var global = this; var ym = { ns: {}, supports: {}, env: env }; ym.performance = { now: global.performance && global.performance.now ? global.performance.now.bind(global.performance) : function () { return Date.now(); } }; ym.count = (function (deps) { var module = { exports: {} }, exports = module.exports, define; function require (name) { return deps[name]; } // Store counts in queue until real counter is loaded. var queue = []; function enqueueCount () { queue.push(arguments); } // Add another level of indirection because Sandbox runs modules not with // ym itself, but with its clone. var countImplementation = null; var count = function () { (countImplementation || enqueueCount).apply(null, arguments); }; count.active = function () { return countImplementation ? countImplementation.active.apply(null, arguments) : true; }; // Replace queue counter with real implementation. count.provideImplementation = function (getImplementation) { if (countImplementation) { throw new Error('ym.count: implementation was already provided.'); } countImplementation = getImplementation(queue); }; module.exports = count; return module.exports; })(); ym.vow = ym.ns.vow = (function (deps) { var module = { exports: {} }, exports = module.exports, define; function require (name) { return deps[name]; } /** * @module vow * @author Filatov Dmitry * @version 0.4.13 * @license * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html */ (function(global) { var undef, nextTick = (function() { var fns = [], enqueueFn = function(fn) { fns.push(fn); return fns.length === 1; }, callFns = function() { var fnsToCall = fns, i = 0, len = fns.length; fns = []; while(i < len) { fnsToCall[i++](); } }; if(typeof setImmediate === 'function') { // ie10, nodejs >= 0.10 return function(fn) { enqueueFn(fn) && setImmediate(callFns); }; } if(typeof process === 'object' && process.nextTick) { // nodejs < 0.10 return function(fn) { enqueueFn(fn) && process.nextTick(callFns); }; } var MutationObserver = global.MutationObserver || global.WebKitMutationObserver; // modern browsers if(MutationObserver) { var num = 1, node = document.createTextNode(''); new MutationObserver(callFns).observe(node, { characterData : true }); return function(fn) { enqueueFn(fn) && (node.data = (num *= -1)); }; } if(global.postMessage) { var isPostMessageAsync = true; if(global.attachEvent) { var checkAsync = function() { isPostMessageAsync = false; }; global.attachEvent('onmessage', checkAsync); global.postMessage('__checkAsync', '*'); global.detachEvent('onmessage', checkAsync); } if(isPostMessageAsync) { var msg = '__promise' + Math.random() + '_' +new Date, onMessage = function(e) { if(e.data === msg) { e.stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation(); callFns(); } }; global.addEventListener? global.addEventListener('message', onMessage, true) : global.attachEvent('onmessage', onMessage); return function(fn) { enqueueFn(fn) && global.postMessage(msg, '*'); }; } } var doc = global.document; if('onreadystatechange' in doc.createElement('script')) { // ie6-ie8 var createScript = function() { var script = doc.createElement('script'); script.onreadystatechange = function() { script.parentNode.removeChild(script); script = script.onreadystatechange = null; callFns(); }; (doc.documentElement || doc.body).appendChild(script); }; return function(fn) { enqueueFn(fn) && createScript(); }; } return function(fn) { // old browsers enqueueFn(fn) && setTimeout(callFns, 0); }; })(), throwException = function(e) { nextTick(function() { throw e; }); }, isFunction = function(obj) { return typeof obj === 'function'; }, isObject = function(obj) { return obj !== null && typeof obj === 'object'; }, toStr = Object.prototype.toString, isArray = Array.isArray || function(obj) { return toStr.call(obj) === '[object Array]'; }, getArrayKeys = function(arr) { var res = [], i = 0, len = arr.length; while(i < len) { res.push(i++); } return res; }, getObjectKeys = Object.keys || function(obj) { var res = []; for(var i in obj) { obj.hasOwnProperty(i) && res.push(i); } return res; }, defineCustomErrorType = function(name) { var res = function(message) { this.name = name; this.message = message; }; res.prototype = new Error(); return res; }, wrapOnFulfilled = function(onFulfilled, idx) { return function(val) { onFulfilled.call(this, val, idx); }; }; /** * @class Deferred * @exports vow:Deferred * @description * The `Deferred` class is used to encapsulate newly-created promise object along with functions that resolve, reject or notify it. */ /** * @constructor * @description * You can use `vow.defer()` instead of using this constructor. * * `new vow.Deferred()` gives the same result as `vow.defer()`. */ var Deferred = function() { this._promise = new Promise(); }; Deferred.prototype = /** @lends Deferred.prototype */{ /** * Returns the corresponding promise. * * @returns {vow:Promise} */ promise : function() { return this._promise; }, /** * Resolves the corresponding promise with the given `value`. * * @param {*} value * * @example * ```js * var defer = vow.defer(), * promise = defer.promise(); * * promise.then(function(value) { * // value is "'success'" here * }); * * defer.resolve('success'); * ``` */ resolve : function(value) { this._promise.isResolved() || this._promise._resolve(value); }, /** * Rejects the corresponding promise with the given `reason`. * * @param {*} reason * * @example * ```js * var defer = vow.defer(), * promise = defer.promise(); * * promise.fail(function(reason) { * // reason is "'something is wrong'" here * }); * * defer.reject('something is wrong'); * ``` */ reject : function(reason) { if(this._promise.isResolved()) { return; } if(vow.isPromise(reason)) { reason = reason.then(function(val) { var defer = vow.defer(); defer.reject(val); return defer.promise(); }); this._promise._resolve(reason); } else { this._promise._reject(reason); } }, /** * Notifies the corresponding promise with the given `value`. * * @param {*} value * * @example * ```js * var defer = vow.defer(), * promise = defer.promise(); * * promise.progress(function(value) { * // value is "'20%'", "'40%'" here * }); * * defer.notify('20%'); * defer.notify('40%'); * ``` */ notify : function(value) { this._promise.isResolved() || this._promise._notify(value); } }; var PROMISE_STATUS = { PENDING : 0, RESOLVED : 1, FULFILLED : 2, REJECTED : 3 }; /** * @class Promise * @exports vow:Promise * @description * The `Promise` class is used when you want to give to the caller something to subscribe to, * but not the ability to resolve or reject the deferred. */ /** * @constructor * @param {Function} resolver See https://github.com/domenic/promises-unwrapping/blob/master/README.md#the-promise-constructor for details. * @description * You should use this constructor directly only if you are going to use `vow` as DOM Promises implementation. * In other case you should use `vow.defer()` and `defer.promise()` methods. * @example * ```js * function fetchJSON(url) { * return new vow.Promise(function(resolve, reject, notify) { * var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); * xhr.open('GET', url); * xhr.responseType = 'json'; * xhr.send(); * xhr.onload = function() { * if(xhr.response) { * resolve(xhr.response); * } * else { * reject(new TypeError()); * } * }; * }); * } * ``` */ var Promise = function(resolver) { this._value = undef; this._status = PROMISE_STATUS.PENDING; this._fulfilledCallbacks = []; this._rejectedCallbacks = []; this._progressCallbacks = []; if(resolver) { // NOTE: see https://github.com/domenic/promises-unwrapping/blob/master/README.md var _this = this, resolverFnLen = resolver.length; resolver( function(val) { _this.isResolved() || _this._resolve(val); }, resolverFnLen > 1? function(reason) { _this.isResolved() || _this._reject(reason); } : undef, resolverFnLen > 2? function(val) { _this.isResolved() || _this._notify(val); } : undef); } }; Promise.prototype = /** @lends Promise.prototype */ { /** * Returns the value of the fulfilled promise or the reason in case of rejection. * * @returns {*} */ valueOf : function() { return this._value; }, /** * Returns `true` if the promise is resolved. * * @returns {Boolean} */ isResolved : function() { return this._status !== PROMISE_STATUS.PENDING; }, /** * Returns `true` if the promise is fulfilled. * * @returns {Boolean} */ isFulfilled : function() { return this._status === PROMISE_STATUS.FULFILLED; }, /** * Returns `true` if the promise is rejected. * * @returns {Boolean} */ isRejected : function() { return this._status === PROMISE_STATUS.REJECTED; }, /** * Adds reactions to the promise. * * @param {Function} [onFulfilled] Callback that will be invoked with a provided value after the promise has been fulfilled * @param {Function} [onRejected] Callback that will be invoked with a provided reason after the promise has been rejected * @param {Function} [onProgress] Callback that will be invoked with a provided value after the promise has been notified * @param {Object} [ctx] Context of the callbacks execution * @returns {vow:Promise} A new promise, see https://github.com/promises-aplus/promises-spec for details */ then : function(onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress, ctx) { var defer = new Deferred(); this._addCallbacks(defer, onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress, ctx); return defer.promise(); }, /** * Adds only a rejection reaction. This method is a shorthand for `promise.then(undefined, onRejected)`. * * @param {Function} onRejected Callback that will be called with a provided 'reason' as argument after the promise has been rejected * @param {Object} [ctx] Context of the callback execution * @returns {vow:Promise} */ 'catch' : function(onRejected, ctx) { return this.then(undef, onRejected, ctx); }, /** * Adds only a rejection reaction. This method is a shorthand for `promise.then(null, onRejected)`. It's also an alias for `catch`. * * @param {Function} onRejected Callback to be called with the value after promise has been rejected * @param {Object} [ctx] Context of the callback execution * @returns {vow:Promise} */ fail : function(onRejected, ctx) { return this.then(undef, onRejected, ctx); }, /** * Adds a resolving reaction (for both fulfillment and rejection). * * @param {Function} onResolved Callback that will be invoked with the promise as an argument, after the promise has been resolved. * @param {Object} [ctx] Context of the callback execution * @returns {vow:Promise} */ always : function(onResolved, ctx) { var _this = this, cb = function() { return onResolved.call(this, _this); }; return this.then(cb, cb, ctx); }, /** * Adds a progress reaction. * * @param {Function} onProgress Callback that will be called with a provided value when the promise has been notified * @param {Object} [ctx] Context of the callback execution * @returns {vow:Promise} */ progress : function(onProgress, ctx) { return this.then(undef, undef, onProgress, ctx); }, /** * Like `promise.then`, but "spreads" the array into a variadic value handler. * It is useful with the `vow.all` and the `vow.allResolved` methods. * * @param {Function} [onFulfilled] Callback that will be invoked with a provided value after the promise has been fulfilled * @param {Function} [onRejected] Callback that will be invoked with a provided reason after the promise has been rejected * @param {Object} [ctx] Context of the callbacks execution * @returns {vow:Promise} * * @example * ```js * var defer1 = vow.defer(), * defer2 = vow.defer(); * * vow.all([defer1.promise(), defer2.promise()]).spread(function(arg1, arg2) { * // arg1 is "1", arg2 is "'two'" here * }); * * defer1.resolve(1); * defer2.resolve('two'); * ``` */ spread : function(onFulfilled, onRejected, ctx) { return this.then( function(val) { return onFulfilled.apply(this, val); }, onRejected, ctx); }, /** * Like `then`, but terminates a chain of promises. * If the promise has been rejected, this method throws it's "reason" as an exception in a future turn of the event loop. * * @param {Function} [onFulfilled] Callback that will be invoked with a provided value after the promise has been fulfilled * @param {Function} [onRejected] Callback that will be invoked with a provided reason after the promise has been rejected * @param {Function} [onProgress] Callback that will be invoked with a provided value after the promise has been notified * @param {Object} [ctx] Context of the callbacks execution * * @example * ```js * var defer = vow.defer(); * defer.reject(Error('Internal error')); * defer.promise().done(); // exception to be thrown * ``` */ done : function(onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress, ctx) { this .then(onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress, ctx) .fail(throwException); }, /** * Returns a new promise that will be fulfilled in `delay` milliseconds if the promise is fulfilled, * or immediately rejected if the promise is rejected. * * @param {Number} delay * @returns {vow:Promise} */ delay : function(delay) { var timer, promise = this.then(function(val) { var defer = new Deferred(); timer = setTimeout( function() { defer.resolve(val); }, delay); return defer.promise(); }); promise.always(function() { clearTimeout(timer); }); return promise; }, /** * Returns a new promise that will be rejected in `timeout` milliseconds * if the promise is not resolved beforehand. * * @param {Number} timeout * @returns {vow:Promise} * * @example * ```js * var defer = vow.defer(), * promiseWithTimeout1 = defer.promise().timeout(50), * promiseWithTimeout2 = defer.promise().timeout(200); * * setTimeout( * function() { * defer.resolve('ok'); * }, * 100); * * promiseWithTimeout1.fail(function(reason) { * // promiseWithTimeout to be rejected in 50ms * }); * * promiseWithTimeout2.then(function(value) { * // promiseWithTimeout to be fulfilled with "'ok'" value * }); * ``` */ timeout : function(timeout) { var defer = new Deferred(), timer = setTimeout( function() { defer.reject(new vow.TimedOutError('timed out')); }, timeout); this.then( function(val) { defer.resolve(val); }, function(reason) { defer.reject(reason); }); defer.promise().always(function() { clearTimeout(timer); }); return defer.promise(); }, _vow : true, _resolve : function(val) { if(this._status > PROMISE_STATUS.RESOLVED) { return; } if(val === this) { this._reject(TypeError('Can\'t resolve promise with itself')); return; } this._status = PROMISE_STATUS.RESOLVED; if(val && !!val._vow) { // shortpath for vow.Promise val.isFulfilled()? this._fulfill(val.valueOf()) : val.isRejected()? this._reject(val.valueOf()) : val.then( this._fulfill, this._reject, this._notify, this); return; } if(isObject(val) || isFunction(val)) { var then; try { then = val.then; } catch(e) { this._reject(e); return; } if(isFunction(then)) { var _this = this, isResolved = false; try { then.call( val, function(val) { if(isResolved) { return; } isResolved = true; _this._resolve(val); }, function(err) { if(isResolved) { return; } isResolved = true; _this._reject(err); }, function(val) { _this._notify(val); }); } catch(e) { isResolved || this._reject(e); } return; } } this._fulfill(val); }, _fulfill : function(val) { if(this._status > PROMISE_STATUS.RESOLVED) { return; } this._status = PROMISE_STATUS.FULFILLED; this._value = val; this._callCallbacks(this._fulfilledCallbacks, val); this._fulfilledCallbacks = this._rejectedCallbacks = this._progressCallbacks = undef; }, _reject : function(reason) { if(this._status > PROMISE_STATUS.RESOLVED) { return; } this._status = PROMISE_STATUS.REJECTED; this._value = reason; this._callCallbacks(this._rejectedCallbacks, reason); this._fulfilledCallbacks = this._rejectedCallbacks = this._progressCallbacks = undef; }, _notify : function(val) { this._callCallbacks(this._progressCallbacks, val); }, _addCallbacks : function(defer, onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress, ctx) { if(onRejected && !isFunction(onRejected)) { ctx = onRejected; onRejected = undef; } else if(onProgress && !isFunction(onProgress)) { ctx = onProgress; onProgress = undef; } var cb; if(!this.isRejected()) { cb = { defer : defer, fn : isFunction(onFulfilled)? onFulfilled : undef, ctx : ctx }; this.isFulfilled()? this._callCallbacks([cb], this._value) : this._fulfilledCallbacks.push(cb); } if(!this.isFulfilled()) { cb = { defer : defer, fn : onRejected, ctx : ctx }; this.isRejected()? this._callCallbacks([cb], this._value) : this._rejectedCallbacks.push(cb); } if(this._status <= PROMISE_STATUS.RESOLVED) { this._progressCallbacks.push({ defer : defer, fn : onProgress, ctx : ctx }); } }, _callCallbacks : function(callbacks, arg) { var len = callbacks.length; if(!len) { return; } var isResolved = this.isResolved(), isFulfilled = this.isFulfilled(), isRejected = this.isRejected(); nextTick(function() { var i = 0, cb, defer, fn; while(i < len) { cb = callbacks[i++]; defer = cb.defer; fn = cb.fn; if(fn) { var ctx = cb.ctx, res; try { res = ctx? fn.call(ctx, arg) : fn(arg); } catch(e) { defer.reject(e); continue; } isResolved? defer.resolve(res) : defer.notify(res); } else if(isFulfilled) { defer.resolve(arg); } else if(isRejected) { defer.reject(arg); } else { defer.notify(arg); } } }); } }; /** @lends Promise */ var staticMethods = { /** * Coerces the given `value` to a promise, or returns the `value` if it's already a promise. * * @param {*} value * @returns {vow:Promise} */ cast : function(value) { return vow.cast(value); }, /** * Returns a promise, that will be fulfilled only after all the items in `iterable` are fulfilled. * If any of the `iterable` items gets rejected, then the returned promise will be rejected. * * @param {Array|Object} iterable * @returns {vow:Promise} */ all : function(iterable) { return vow.all(iterable); }, /** * Returns a promise, that will be fulfilled only when any of the items in `iterable` are fulfilled. * If any of the `iterable` items gets rejected, then the returned promise will be rejected. * * @param {Array} iterable * @returns {vow:Promise} */ race : function(iterable) { return vow.anyResolved(iterable); }, /** * Returns a promise that has already been resolved with the given `value`. * If `value` is a promise, the returned promise will have `value`'s state. * * @param {*} value * @returns {vow:Promise} */ resolve : function(value) { return vow.resolve(value); }, /** * Returns a promise that has already been rejected with the given `reason`. * * @param {*} reason * @returns {vow:Promise} */ reject : function(reason) { return vow.reject(reason); } }; for(var prop in staticMethods) { staticMethods.hasOwnProperty(prop) && (Promise[prop] = staticMethods[prop]); } var vow = /** @exports vow */ { Deferred : Deferred, Promise : Promise, /** * Creates a new deferred. This method is a factory method for `vow:Deferred` class. * It's equivalent to `new vow.Deferred()`. * * @returns {vow:Deferred} */ defer : function() { return new Deferred(); }, /** * Static equivalent to `promise.then`. * If `value` is not a promise, then `value` is treated as a fulfilled promise. * * @param {*} value * @param {Function} [onFulfilled] Callback that will be invoked with a provided value after the promise has been fulfilled * @param {Function} [onRejected] Callback that will be invoked with a provided reason after the promise has been rejected * @param {Function} [onProgress] Callback that will be invoked with a provided value after the promise has been notified * @param {Object} [ctx] Context of the callbacks execution * @returns {vow:Promise} */ when : function(value, onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress, ctx) { return vow.cast(value).then(onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress, ctx); }, /** * Static equivalent to `promise.fail`. * If `value` is not a promise, then `value` is treated as a fulfilled promise. * * @param {*} value * @param {Function} onRejected Callback that will be invoked with a provided reason after the promise has been rejected * @param {Object} [ctx] Context of the callback execution * @returns {vow:Promise} */ fail : function(value, onRejected, ctx) { return vow.when(value, undef, onRejected, ctx); }, /** * Static equivalent to `promise.always`. * If `value` is not a promise, then `value` is treated as a fulfilled promise. * * @param {*} value * @param {Function} onResolved Callback that will be invoked with the promise as an argument, after the promise has been resolved. * @param {Object} [ctx] Context of the callback execution * @returns {vow:Promise} */ always : function(value, onResolved, ctx) { return vow.when(value).always(onResolved, ctx); }, /** * Static equivalent to `promise.progress`. * If `value` is not a promise, then `value` is treated as a fulfilled promise. * * @param {*} value * @param {Function} onProgress Callback that will be invoked with a provided value after the promise has been notified * @param {Object} [ctx] Context of the callback execution * @returns {vow:Promise} */ progress : function(value, onProgress, ctx) { return vow.when(value).progress(onProgress, ctx); }, /** * Static equivalent to `promise.spread`. * If `value` is not a promise, then `value` is treated as a fulfilled promise. * * @param {*} value * @param {Function} [onFulfilled] Callback that will be invoked with a provided value after the promise has been fulfilled * @param {Function} [onRejected] Callback that will be invoked with a provided reason after the promise has been rejected * @param {Object} [ctx] Context of the callbacks execution * @returns {vow:Promise} */ spread : function(value, onFulfilled, onRejected, ctx) { return vow.when(value).spread(onFulfilled, onRejected, ctx); }, /** * Static equivalent to `promise.done`. * If `value` is not a promise, then `value` is treated as a fulfilled promise. * * @param {*} value * @param {Function} [onFulfilled] Callback that will be invoked with a provided value after the promise has been fulfilled * @param {Function} [onRejected] Callback that will be invoked with a provided reason after the promise has been rejected * @param {Function} [onProgress] Callback that will be invoked with a provided value after the promise has been notified * @param {Object} [ctx] Context of the callbacks execution */ done : function(value, onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress, ctx) { vow.when(value).done(onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress, ctx); }, /** * Checks whether the given `value` is a promise-like object * * @param {*} value * @returns {Boolean} * * @example * ```js * vow.isPromise('something'); // returns false * vow.isPromise(vow.defer().promise()); // returns true * vow.isPromise({ then : function() { }); // returns true * ``` */ isPromise : function(value) { return isObject(value) && isFunction(value.then); }, /** * Coerces the given `value` to a promise, or returns the `value` if it's already a promise. * * @param {*} value * @returns {vow:Promise} */ cast : function(value) { return value && !!value._vow? value : vow.resolve(value); }, /** * Static equivalent to `promise.valueOf`. * If `value` is not a promise, then `value` is treated as a fulfilled promise. * * @param {*} value * @returns {*} */ valueOf : function(value) { return value && isFunction(value.valueOf)? value.valueOf() : value; }, /** * Static equivalent to `promise.isFulfilled`. * If `value` is not a promise, then `value` is treated as a fulfilled promise. * * @param {*} value * @returns {Boolean} */ isFulfilled : function(value) { return value && isFunction(value.isFulfilled)? value.isFulfilled() : true; }, /** * Static equivalent to `promise.isRejected`. * If `value` is not a promise, then `value` is treated as a fulfilled promise. * * @param {*} value * @returns {Boolean} */ isRejected : function(value) { return value && isFunction(value.isRejected)? value.isRejected() : false; }, /** * Static equivalent to `promise.isResolved`. * If `value` is not a promise, then `value` is treated as a fulfilled promise. * * @param {*} value * @returns {Boolean} */ isResolved : function(value) { return value && isFunction(value.isResolved)? value.isResolved() : true; }, /** * Returns a promise that has already been resolved with the given `value`. * If `value` is a promise, the returned promise will have `value`'s state. * * @param {*} value * @returns {vow:Promise} */ resolve : function(value) { var res = vow.defer(); res.resolve(value); return res.promise(); }, /** * Returns a promise that has already been fulfilled with the given `value`. * If `value` is a promise, the returned promise will be fulfilled with the fulfill/rejection value of `value`. * * @param {*} value * @returns {vow:Promise} */ fulfill : function(value) { var defer = vow.defer(), promise = defer.promise(); defer.resolve(value); return promise.isFulfilled()? promise : promise.then(null, function(reason) { return reason; }); }, /** * Returns a promise that has already been rejected with the given `reason`. * If `reason` is a promise, the returned promise will be rejected with the fulfill/rejection value of `reason`. * * @param {*} reason * @returns {vow:Promise} */ reject : function(reason) { var defer = vow.defer(); defer.reject(reason); return defer.promise(); }, /** * Invokes the given function `fn` with arguments `args` * * @param {Function} fn * @param {...*} [args] * @returns {vow:Promise} * * @example * ```js * var promise1 = vow.invoke(function(value) { * return value; * }, 'ok'), * promise2 = vow.invoke(function() { * throw Error(); * }); * * promise1.isFulfilled(); // true * promise1.valueOf(); // 'ok' * promise2.isRejected(); // true * promise2.valueOf(); // instance of Error * ``` */ invoke : function(fn, args) { var len = Math.max(arguments.length - 1, 0), callArgs; if(len) { // optimization for V8 callArgs = Array(len); var i = 0; while(i < len) { callArgs[i++] = arguments[i]; } } try { return vow.resolve(callArgs? fn.apply(global, callArgs) : fn.call(global)); } catch(e) { return vow.reject(e); } }, /** * Returns a promise, that will be fulfilled only after all the items in `iterable` are fulfilled. * If any of the `iterable` items gets rejected, the promise will be rejected. * * @param {Array|Object} iterable * @returns {vow:Promise} * * @example * with array: * ```js * var defer1 = vow.defer(), * defer2 = vow.defer(); * * vow.all([defer1.promise(), defer2.promise(), 3]) * .then(function(value) { * // value is "[1, 2, 3]" here * }); * * defer1.resolve(1); * defer2.resolve(2); * ``` * * @example * with object: * ```js * var defer1 = vow.defer(), * defer2 = vow.defer(); * * vow.all({ p1 : defer1.promise(), p2 : defer2.promise(), p3 : 3 }) * .then(function(value) { * // value is "{ p1 : 1, p2 : 2, p3 : 3 }" here * }); * * defer1.resolve(1); * defer2.resolve(2); * ``` */ all : function(iterable) { var defer = new Deferred(), isPromisesArray = isArray(iterable), keys = isPromisesArray? getArrayKeys(iterable) : getObjectKeys(iterable), len = keys.length, res = isPromisesArray? [] : {}; if(!len) { defer.resolve(res); return defer.promise(); } var i = len; vow._forEach( iterable, function(value, idx) { res[keys[idx]] = value; if(!--i) { defer.resolve(res); } }, defer.reject, defer.notify, defer, keys); return defer.promise(); }, /** * Returns a promise, that will be fulfilled only after all the items in `iterable` are resolved. * * @param {Array|Object} iterable * @returns {vow:Promise} * * @example * ```js * var defer1 = vow.defer(), * defer2 = vow.defer(); * * vow.allResolved([defer1.promise(), defer2.promise()]).spread(function(promise1, promise2) { * promise1.isRejected(); // returns true * promise1.valueOf(); // returns "'error'" * promise2.isFulfilled(); // returns true * promise2.valueOf(); // returns "'ok'" * }); * * defer1.reject('error'); * defer2.resolve('ok'); * ``` */ allResolved : function(iterable) { var defer = new Deferred(), isPromisesArray = isArray(iterable), keys = isPromisesArray? getArrayKeys(iterable) : getObjectKeys(iterable), i = keys.length, res = isPromisesArray? [] : {}; if(!i) { defer.resolve(res); return defer.promise(); } var onResolved = function() { --i || defer.resolve(iterable); }; vow._forEach( iterable, onResolved, onResolved, defer.notify, defer, keys); return defer.promise(); }, allPatiently : function(iterable) { return vow.allResolved(iterable).then(function() { var isPromisesArray = isArray(iterable), keys = isPromisesArray? getArrayKeys(iterable) : getObjectKeys(iterable), rejectedPromises, fulfilledPromises, len = keys.length, i = 0, key, promise; if(!len) { return isPromisesArray? [] : {}; } while(i < len) { key = keys[i++]; promise = iterable[key]; if(vow.isRejected(promise)) { rejectedPromises || (rejectedPromises = isPromisesArray? [] : {}); isPromisesArray? rejectedPromises.push(promise.valueOf()) : rejectedPromises[key] = promise.valueOf(); } else if(!rejectedPromises) { (fulfilledPromises || (fulfilledPromises = isPromisesArray? [] : {}))[key] = vow.valueOf(promise); } } if(rejectedPromises) { throw rejectedPromises; } return fulfilledPromises; }); }, /** * Returns a promise, that will be fulfilled if any of the items in `iterable` is fulfilled. * If all of the `iterable` items get rejected, the promise will be rejected (with the reason of the first rejected item). * * @param {Array} iterable * @returns {vow:Promise} */ any : function(iterable) { var defer = new Deferred(), len = iterable.length; if(!len) { defer.reject(Error()); return defer.promise(); } var i = 0, reason; vow._forEach( iterable, defer.resolve, function(e) { i || (reason = e); ++i === len && defer.reject(reason); }, defer.notify, defer); return defer.promise(); }, /** * Returns a promise, that will be fulfilled only when any of the items in `iterable` is fulfilled. * If any of the `iterable` items gets rejected, the promise will be rejected. * * @param {Array} iterable * @returns {vow:Promise} */ anyResolved : function(iterable) { var defer = new Deferred(), len = iterable.length; if(!len) { defer.reject(Error()); return defer.promise(); } vow._forEach( iterable, defer.resolve, defer.reject, defer.notify, defer); return defer.promise(); }, /** * Static equivalent to `promise.delay`. * If `value` is not a promise, then `value` is treated as a fulfilled promise. * * @param {*} value * @param {Number} delay * @returns {vow:Promise} */ delay : function(value, delay) { return vow.resolve(value).delay(delay); }, /** * Static equivalent to `promise.timeout`. * If `value` is not a promise, then `value` is treated as a fulfilled promise. * * @param {*} value * @param {Number} timeout * @returns {vow:Promise} */ timeout : function(value, timeout) { return vow.resolve(value).timeout(timeout); }, _forEach : function(promises, onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress, ctx, keys) { var len = keys? keys.length : promises.length, i = 0; while(i < len) { vow.when( promises[keys? keys[i] : i], wrapOnFulfilled(onFulfilled, i), onRejected, onProgress, ctx); ++i; } }, TimedOutError : defineCustomErrorType('TimedOut') }; vow.__nextTick__ = nextTick; var defineAsGlobal = true; if(typeof module === 'object' && typeof module.exports === 'object') { module.exports = vow; defineAsGlobal = false; } if(typeof modules === 'object' && isFunction(modules.define)) { modules.define('vow', function(provide) { provide(vow); }); defineAsGlobal = false; } if(typeof define === 'function') { define(function(require, exports, module) { module.exports = vow; }); defineAsGlobal = false; } defineAsGlobal && (global.vow = vow); })(typeof window !== 'undefined'? window : global); return module.exports; })(); ym.utils = (function (deps) { var module = { exports: {} }, exports = module.exports, define; function require (name) { return deps[name]; } var vow = require('vow'); var hop = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; exports.nextTick = vow.__nextTick__; vow.__nextTick__ = undefined; exports.isArray = Array.isArray ? Array.isArray : function (obj) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Array]'; }; exports.extend = Object.assign ? Object.assign : function objectAssign (target) { for (var i = 1, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) { var object = arguments[i]; if (object == null) { continue; } for (var key in object) { if (hop.call(object, key)) { target[key] = object[key]; } } } return target; }; exports.accessDeep = function (target, path) { var parts = path.split('.'); for (var i = 0; i < parts.length - 1; i++) { var part = parts[i]; target[part] = target[part] || {}; target = target[part]; } return {parent: target, name: parts[parts.length - 1]}; }; exports.createPackage = function (depends, imports, expandWhenRegistered) { var result = exports.registerImports({}, depends, imports); if (expandWhenRegistered) { result.__expand = { depends: depends, imports: imports }; } return result; }; exports.registerImports = function (target, depends, imports) { for (var i = 0; i < depends.length; i++) { if (imports[i].__expand) { exports.registerImports(target, imports[i].__expand.depends, imports[i].__expand.imports); } else { var access = exports.accessDeep(target, depends[i]); access.parent[access.name] = imports[i]; } } return target; }; return module.exports; })({ vow: ym.vow }); var nsAccess = ym.env.namespace ? ym.utils.accessDeep(global, ym.env.namespace) : null; if ( nsAccess && nsAccess.parent && nsAccess.parent[nsAccess.name] && nsAccess.parent[nsAccess.name].modules && nsAccess.parent[nsAccess.name].ready ) { console.error('(Yandex Maps JS API): api is already enabled on this page with same namespace.'); } (function () { var testDiv; var transitableProperties = { transform: 'transform', opacity: 'opacity', transitionTimingFunction: 'transition-timing-function', //TODO - нет никакой реакции на эти значения userSelect: 'user-select', height: 'height' }; var transitionPropertiesCache = {}; var cssPropertiesCache = {}; var browserPrefix = ym.env.browser.cssPrefix.toLowerCase(); function checkCssProperty (name) { /* eslint-disable no-return-assign */ return typeof cssPropertiesCache[name] == 'undefined' ? cssPropertiesCache[name] = checkDivStyle(name) : cssPropertiesCache[name]; } function checkDivStyle (name) { return checkTestDiv(name) || //names checkTestDiv(browserPrefix + upperCaseFirst(name)) || //mozNames checkTestDiv(ym.env.browser.cssPrefix + upperCaseFirst(name)); //MozNames } function checkTestDiv (name) { return typeof getTestDiv().style[name] != 'undefined' ? name : null; } function getTestDiv () { return testDiv || (testDiv = document.createElement('div')); } function upperCaseFirst (str) { return str ? str.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substr(1) : str; } function checkCssTransitionProperty (name) { var cssProperty = checkCssProperty(name); if (cssProperty && cssProperty != name) { cssProperty = '-' + browserPrefix + '-' + name; } return cssProperty; } function checkTransitionAvailability (name) { if (transitableProperties[name] && checkCssProperty('transitionProperty')) { return checkCssTransitionProperty(transitableProperties[name]); } return null; } ym.supports.css = { checkProperty: checkCssProperty, checkTransitionProperty: function (name) { /* eslint-disable no-return-assign */ return typeof transitionPropertiesCache[name] == 'undefined' ? transitionPropertiesCache[name] = checkTransitionAvailability(name) : transitionPropertiesCache[name]; }, checkTransitionAvailability: checkTransitionAvailability }; })(); ; ym.supports.csp = { isSupported: (typeof Blob != 'undefined') && (typeof URL != 'undefined'), isNonceSupported: ym.env.browser.name && ym.env.browser.version ? !(ym.env.browser.name.search('Safari') != -1 && parseInt(ym.env.browser.version) < 10) : null }; ; (function () { var webGlContextSettings = { failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat: true, // just to be sure antialias: false // Firefox does not like offscreen canvas with AA }; var tests = {}; function isWebGlCapable () { // Test system support if (window.WebGLRenderingContext) { // test blacklists /* eslint-disable quote-props */ var webglBrowserBlacklist = { 'Samsung Internet': true, // unstable 'AndroidBrowser': true // unstable }; var isOldAndroid = ym.env.browser.engine == 'Webkit' && (+ym.env.browser.engineVersion < +537); // unstable if (isOldAndroid || webglBrowserBlacklist[ym.env.browser.name]) { return false; } } else { // No system support return false; } return true; } function detectWebGl () { if (!isWebGlCapable()) { return null; } var contextName, context; try { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); context = canvas.getContext(contextName = 'webgl', webGlContextSettings); if (!context) { context = canvas.getContext(contextName = 'experimental-webgl', webGlContextSettings); // IE if (!context) { contextName = null; } } } catch (e) { // suppress warnings at FF contextName = null; } return contextName ? { contextName: contextName, context: context } : null; } // Test globalCompositeOperation to work properly function testCanvas (sandbox, ctx) { sandbox.width = 226; sandbox.height = 256; ctx.fillStyle = '#fff'; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 150, 150); ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'xor'; ctx.fillStyle = '#f00'; ctx.fillRect(10, 10, 100, 100); ctx.fillStyle = '#0f0'; ctx.fillRect(50, 50, 100, 100); var data = ctx.getImageData(49, 49, 2, 2), test = []; for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) { test.push(data.data[i]); } return test.join('x') == '0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x255x0x255'; } ym.supports.graphics = { hasSvg: function () { if (!('svg' in tests)) { tests.svg = document.implementation && document.implementation.hasFeature('http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#BasicStructure', '1.1'); } return tests.svg; }, hasCanvas: function () { if (!('canvas' in tests)) { var sandbox = document.createElement('canvas'), canvas = ('getContext' in sandbox) ? sandbox.getContext('2d') : null; tests.canvas = canvas ? testCanvas(sandbox, canvas) : false; } return tests.canvas; }, hasWebGl: function () { if (!('webgl' in tests)) { tests.webgl = detectWebGl(); } return tests.webgl; }, redetect: function () { tests = {}; }, getWebGlContextName: function () { return tests.webgl && tests.webgl.contextName; } }; })(); ; (function () { var isCompatibleBrowser; ym.supports.vector = { isSupported: function isSupported () { if (isCompatibleBrowser === undefined) { try { isCompatibleBrowser = detectFeatures(); } catch (err) { isCompatibleBrowser = false; } } return isCompatibleBrowser; } }; function detectFeatures () { // We need to do all checks to collect full statistics. // That's why we don't return 'false' after the first fail. // MAPSAPI-13769 var result = true; if ( ym.env.browser.osFamily == 'MacOS' && /^10\.[0-8](\.|$)/.test(ym.env.browser.osVersion) ) { // Disable vector for old MacOSes. See MAPSAPI-14050 result = false; countReasonsVectorNotSupported('OldMac'); } var fieldsToCheck = [ 'requestAnimationFrame', 'Worker', 'URL', 'Blob', 'XMLHttpRequest', 'Set', 'Map', 'WebAssembly' ]; fieldsToCheck.forEach(function (field) { if (!window[field]) { result = false; countReasonsVectorNotSupported(field); } }); if (typeof Math.trunc !== 'function') { result = false; countReasonsVectorNotSupported('MathTrunc'); } var webGlData = ym.supports.graphics.hasWebGl(); if (!webGlData || webGlData.contextName !== 'webgl') { countReasonsVectorNotSupported('hasWebGl'); // If we can't use webgl context, we can't perform other checks. return false; } var glContext = webGlData.context; if (glContext.getParameter(glContext.MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS) == 0) { result = false; countReasonsVectorNotSupported('MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS'); } if (!glContext.getExtension('OES_vertex_array_object')) { result = false; countReasonsVectorNotSupported('OES_vertex_array_object'); } if (!glContext.getExtension('OES_standard_derivatives')) { result = false; countReasonsVectorNotSupported('OES_standard_derivatives'); } var fragmentHighPrecision = glContext.getShaderPrecisionFormat( glContext.FRAGMENT_SHADER, glContext.HIGH_FLOAT ); if ( !fragmentHighPrecision || fragmentHighPrecision.precision == 0 ) { result = false; countReasonsVectorNotSupported('highp'); } if (!testPoints()) { var debugInfo = getRendererDebugInfo(); result = false; ym.count('error', { path: [ 'vectorEngine.drawPointsError', ym.env.browser.platform, ym.env.browser.name, debugInfo.vendor, debugInfo.renderer ].join('.'), share: 1 }); } return result; } function countReasonsVectorNotSupported (errorType) { var debugInfo = getRendererDebugInfo(); ym.count('error', { path: [ 'vectorEngine.reasonsVectorNotSupported', errorType, ym.env.browser.platform, ym.env.browser.name, debugInfo.vendor, debugInfo.renderer ].join('.'), share: 0.1 }); } // MAPSAPI-13729 function testPoints () { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = 1; canvas.height = 1; var gl = canvas.getContext('webgl', { alpha: false, depth: false, antialias: false }); var vShader = gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER); if (!vShader) { return false; } gl.shaderSource( vShader, '#version 100\n' + 'attribute vec2 p;\n' + 'void main() {\n' + ' gl_Position = vec4(p,0,1);\n' + ' gl_PointSize = 1.0;\n' + '}' ); gl.compileShader(vShader); var fShader = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER); if (!fShader) { return false; } gl.shaderSource( fShader, '#version 100\n' + 'void main() {\n' + ' gl_FragColor = vec4(1, 0, 0, 1);\n' + '}' ); gl.compileShader(fShader); var program = gl.createProgram(); gl.attachShader(program, vShader); gl.attachShader(program, fShader); gl.bindAttribLocation(program, 0, 'p'); gl.linkProgram(program); var vb = gl.createBuffer(); gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vb); gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array([0, 0]), gl.STATIC_DRAW); gl.enableVertexAttribArray(0); gl.vertexAttribPointer(0, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0); gl.clearColor(0, 1, 0, 1); gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); gl.useProgram(program); gl.drawArrays(gl.POINTS, 0, 1); var data = new Uint8Array(4); gl.readPixels(0, 0, 1, 1, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, data); return data[0] === 255; } function getRendererDebugInfo () { var result = {}; var webGlData = ym.supports.graphics.hasWebGl(); if (!webGlData) { return result; } var glContext = webGlData.context; var debugInfo = glContext.getExtension('WEBGL_debug_renderer_info'); if (debugInfo) { result.vendor = glContext.getParameter(debugInfo.UNMASKED_VENDOR_WEBGL).replace(/\W/g, '_'); result.renderer = glContext.getParameter(debugInfo.UNMASKED_RENDERER_WEBGL).replace(/\W/g, '_'); } return result; } })(); ; ym.supports.printPatchNeeded = !ym.supports.css.checkProperty('printColorAdjust'); ym.logger = (function (deps) { var module = { exports: {} }, exports = module.exports, define; function require (name) { return deps[name]; } var moduleName = 'Yandex Maps JS API'; function getMessage (moduleName, _arg) { var str = ''; if (ym.env.debug) { str += '(' + moduleName + '): '; } str += _arg; return str; } module.exports = { assert: function (condition, _arg) { if (!condition) { if (ym.env.debug) { console.log(getMessage(moduleName, _arg)); } } }, log: function (_arg) { if (ym.env.debug) { console.log(getMessage(moduleName, _arg)); } }, notice: function (_arg) { if (ym.env.debug) { console.info(getMessage(moduleName, _arg)); } }, warning: function (_arg) { if (ym.env.debug) { console.warn(getMessage(moduleName, _arg)); } }, error: function (_arg) { console.error(getMessage(moduleName, _arg)); }, exception: function (moduleName, _arg) { throw new Error(getMessage(moduleName, _arg)); } }; return module.exports; })(); (function () { var browser = ym.env.browser; browser.documentMode = document.documentMode; // Этот флаг, к сожалению, приходится постоянно использовать. browser.isIE = (browser.name == 'MSIE' || browser.name == 'IEMobile'); browser.isEdge = (browser.engine == 'Edge'); browser.isChromium = browser.base && browser.base.toLocaleLowerCase() == 'chromium'; browser.isSafari = browser.name == 'Safari'; // Настройка маппинга. var isPointerBrowser = browser.engine == 'Edge' || (browser.name == 'MSIE' && browser.osVersion > 6.1) || (browser.name == 'IEMobile' && browser.engineVersion >= 6); if (isPointerBrowser) { browser.eventMapper = 'pointer'; } else { browser.eventMapper = 'touchMouse'; } // В этой сборке Android Browser были был сломал transition - что-то с субпикселями. browser.androidBrokenBuild = browser.name == 'AndroidBrowser' && browser.engineVersion == '534.30'; var pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || (screen.deviceXDPI && screen.deviceXDPI / 96) || 1; var isSafariBased = browser.osFamily === 'iOS' || browser.name === 'Safari' || // Базируется на сафари на айос девайсах (browser.engine === 'WebKit' && browser.base === 'Safari'); if ( // В IE11 сломалась canvas графика. browser.name == 'MSIE' || browser.name == 'IEMobile' || browser.osFamily == 'Android' && browser.engine == 'Gecko' || // В мобильном сафари падает графика из за ошибок с памятью // Посколько определить айпад отдельно нельзя берем все сафари isSafariBased || pixelRatio > 1 && pixelRatio < 2 // scale 125% ) { browser.graphicsRenderEngine = 'svg'; } else { browser.graphicsRenderEngine = 'canvas'; } // Флаг поддержки transition для свойства transform. browser.transformTransition = browser.osFamily == 'Android' || browser.osFamily == 'iOS' || browser.name == 'MSIE' || // FF > 41 не синхронизирует транзишены // (browser.engine && browser.engine.toLocaleLowerCase() == 'gecko') || browser.isChromium; /* Флаг, показывающий наличие в браузере нормально работающей поддержки CSS 3D transforms. * В данный момент 3d-преобразования поддерживают webkit-ы, кроме андроидного 2.x (Bada поддерживает). * FF (Gecko) научился 3d с 10-й версии (https://developer.mozilla.org/en/CSS/-moz-transform#Browser_compatibility) */ browser.css3DTransform = (browser.engine == 'WebKit' && !(browser.osFamily == 'Android' && parseFloat(browser.osVersion) < 3)) || (browser.engine == 'Gecko' && parseInt(browser.engineVersion.split('.')[0]) >= 10); browser.unsupported = (browser.name == 'OperaMini'); })(); ; var ModuleSystem = (function (deps) { var module = { exports: {} }, exports = module.exports, define; function require (name) { return deps[name]; } var vow = require('vow'); var utils = require('./ym.utils'); var hop = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var MISSING_DYNAMIC_VALUE = {}; // Empty array sentinel to reduce the number of empty arrays. var EMPTY_ARRAY = Object.freeze([]); var STATE = { MENTIONED: 1, // Mentioned as missing in a partial bundle. QUEUED: 2, // DEPRECATED: Queued to load via combine. FETCHING: 3, // Currently being fetched in full bundle. DECLARED: 4, // Declared (ym.modules.define was called). RESOLVING: 5, // Was required explicitly or as dependency and resolving now. ERROR: 6, // Something went wrong. DEFINED: 7 // Module is fully defined and already provided its exports. }; module.exports = ModuleSystem; function ModuleSystem (config) { this._config = config; // Sandbox for modules. this._sandbox = this._config.createSandbox(this); // Fast module access. Using ES6 Map doesn't speed up anything. this._definitionsByName = Object.create(null); this._definitionsByStorage = Object.create(null); /* storage: { key: definition } */ // Give an ability to define modules before fetching any bundles. this._remoteLoadingAllowed = vow.defer(); this._initialized = this._remoteLoadingAllowed.promise() .then(function () { return this._loadBundle(this._config.initialBudleName); }, this) } function Definition (state, name, storage, key, depends, declaration, context, dynamicDepends, exports) { // This is a little ugly to use, but makes it easier to track definitions in DevTools. // Zero profit from performance point of view. this.state = state; this.alias = null; this.name = name; this.storage = storage; this.key = key; this.depends = depends; this.dynamicDepends = dynamicDepends; this.declaration = declaration; this.context = context; this.exports = state === STATE.DEFINED ? exports : undefined; // Created lazily when needed. this.resolvingPromise = undefined; this.fetchingDeferred = undefined; } ModuleSystem.prototype.allowRemoteLoading = function () { this._remoteLoadingAllowed.resolve(); }; ModuleSystem.prototype.isDefined = function (name) { return Boolean(this._findDefinition(name)); }; ModuleSystem.prototype.preload = function (module) { return module; }; ModuleSystem.prototype.define = function (name, depends, declaration, context) { var key, storage, dynamicDepends, exports; if (typeof name === 'object') { var def = name; name = def.name; storage = def.storage; key = def.key; depends = def.depends; declaration = def.declaration; context = def.context; dynamicDepends = def.dynamicDepends; exports = def.exports; } else if (arguments.length === 2) { declaration = depends; depends = null; } var definition = new Definition(STATE.DECLARED, name, storage, key, depends, declaration, context, dynamicDepends, exports); this._define(definition); }; // Used by util.AsyncStorage. ModuleSystem.prototype.defineSync = function (def) { var definition = new Definition(STATE.DEFINED, def.name, def.storage, def.key, null, null, null, null, def.module); this._define(definition); }; ModuleSystem.prototype._define = function (definition) { var existing = this._definitionsByName[definition.name]; if (existing) { function throwRedefinitionError() { var error = new Error('ymaps.modules: redefinition of ' + definition.name); // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error(error); throw error; } if (existing.state >= STATE.DECLARED) { // Already declared earlier in previous bundle or by the user. Do nothing. return; } else if (existing.state !== STATE.FETCHING) { throwRedefinitionError(); } existing.state = STATE.DECLARED; existing.declaration = definition.declaration; existing.context = definition.context; // There is no info about missing module in bundle except name, so we need to copy more values. existing.storage = definition.storage; existing.key = definition.key; if (definition.depends) { // Dependencies may be declared via a function that resolves based on the current environment. if (typeof definition.depends == 'function') { definition.depends = definition.depends.call({ name: definition.name }, this._config.dependenciesContext); } existing.depends = definition.depends; } existing.dynamicDepends = definition.dynamicDepends; existing.exports = definition.exports; return; } // Dependencies may be declared via a function that resolves based on the current environment. if (typeof definition.depends == 'function') { definition.depends = definition.depends.call({ name: definition.name }, this._config.dependenciesContext); } definition.depends = definition.depends || EMPTY_ARRAY; this._definitionsByName[definition.name] = definition; this._saveDefinitionToStorage(definition); }; ModuleSystem.prototype._resolve = function (definition, data) { // Return immediately if the module is fully defined, to save precious time and memory. if (!definition.dynamicDepends) { if (definition.state === STATE.DEFINED) { return vow.resolve(definition.exports); } else if (definition.state === STATE.ERROR) { return vow.reject(definition.exports); } } // Can't go straight to RESOLVING, because we may need to fetch the module. if (definition.state < STATE.RESOLVING && !definition.resolvingPromise) { definition.resolvingPromise = this._resolveCore(definition, data) .always(function (promise) { definition.resolvingPromise = undefined; return promise; }); } // Even if the module is already defined, we still need to load dynamic dependencies. var dynamicDepends = getDynamicDepends(definition, [data]); return vow.all([definition.resolvingPromise, this._require(dynamicDepends, data)]) .then(function () { return definition.state === STATE.DEFINED ? vow.resolve(definition.exports) : vow.reject(definition.exports); }); }; ModuleSystem.prototype._resolveCore = function (definition, data) { // Fetch module and its dependencies. return this._fetchModule(definition, data) .then(function () { definition.state = STATE.RESOLVING; // Require all dependencies. return this._require(definition.depends, data); }, this) .then(function defineModule (depends) { var explicitAsyncProvisionPromise; var implicitAsyncProvisionDeferred; function provide (exports, error) { if (definition.state === STATE.RESOLVING) { definition.state = error ? STATE.ERROR : STATE.DEFINED; definition.exports = error || exports; } if (implicitAsyncProvisionDeferred) { implicitAsyncProvisionDeferred.resolve(); } if (error) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.warn('ymaps.modules: provide(undefined, error) is deprecated and will be removed, throw instead. Module `' + definition.name + '`.'); } } // Explicit async provision. provide.async = function (promise) { if (definition.state === STATE.RESOLVING) { explicitAsyncProvisionPromise = promise .then( function (exports) { provide(exports); }, function (error) { provide(undefined, error); }); } }; // Some modules are strange. provide.provide = provide; provide.provideAsync = provide.async; provide.dynamicDepends = !definition.dynamicDepends ? null : { getValue: function (key, data) { var module = getDynamicDependency(definition, key, data); if (module === MISSING_DYNAMIC_VALUE) { return vow.reject(new Error('ymaps.modules: dynamic dependency `' + key + '` is not declared.')); } return isModuleReference(module) ? this._require([module], data) : vow.resolve([module]) ; }.bind(this), getValueSync: function (key, data) { var module = getDynamicDependency(definition, key, data); if (!isModuleReference(module)) { return module; } var dependencyDefinition = this._findDefinition(module); return dependencyDefinition ? this._requireSingleSync(dependencyDefinition, data) : undefined; }.bind(this) }; var context = definition.context || { name: definition.name, depends: definition.depends }; try { definition.declaration.apply(context, [provide].concat(depends)); } catch (error) { definition.state = STATE.ERROR; definition.exports = error; return; } // Wait for explicit asynchronous provision. if (explicitAsyncProvisionPromise) { return explicitAsyncProvisionPromise; } if (definition.state !== STATE.DEFINED && definition.state !== STATE.ERROR) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.warn('ymaps.modules: asynchronous provide is deprecated and will be removed. Module `' + definition.name + '`.'); implicitAsyncProvisionDeferred = vow.defer(); return implicitAsyncProvisionDeferred.promise(); } }, this); }; ModuleSystem.prototype.require = function (names, cb, errorCb, thisArg) { var extendedSyntax = typeof names === 'object' && !utils.isArray(names); var returnPromise = arguments.length === 1; if (extendedSyntax) { cb = names.successCallback; errorCb = names.errorCallback; thisArg = names.context; returnPromise = !cb && !errorCb; } names = normalizeRequiredNames(names); var promise = this._require(names.modules, names.data); if (returnPromise) { return promise; } promise.spread(cb, errorCb, thisArg); }; // Used by util.AsyncStorage. ModuleSystem.prototype.requireSync = function (names) { names = normalizeRequiredNames(names); if (names.modules.length !== 1) { throw new Error('ymaps.modules: only one module can be required synchronously.'); } var definition = this._findDefinition(names.modules[0]); return definition && this._requireSingleSync(definition, names.data); }; ModuleSystem.prototype._requireSingleSync = function (definition, data) { var depends = getDynamicDepends(definition, [data]); for (var i = 0, l = depends.length; i < l; i++) { var dependency = this._findDefinition(depends[i]); if (!dependency || !this._requireSingleSync(dependency, data)) { return undefined; } } return definition.state === STATE.DEFINED ? definition.exports : undefined; }; ModuleSystem.prototype._require = function (modules, data) { var promises = modules.map(function (x) { return this._requireSingle(x, data); }, this); return vow.all(promises); }; ModuleSystem.prototype._requireSingle = function (name, data) { var definition = this._findDefinition(name); if (definition) { return this._resolve(definition, data); } // Check if the module can be loaded via combine. // Require placed above an actual define is fine, too. Promise.then behaves like nextTick. return this._initialized .then(function () { var definition = this._findDefinition(name); return definition ? this._resolve(definition, data) : vow.reject(new Error('ymaps.modules: module `' + getModuleNameForLogging(name) + '` is not defined.')); }, this); }; ModuleSystem.prototype._findDefinition = function (name) { if (typeof name === 'undefined') { return; } return typeof name === 'string' ? this._definitionsByName[name] : this._definitionsByStorage[name.storage] && this._definitionsByStorage[name.storage][name.key]; }; ModuleSystem.prototype._saveDefinitionToStorage = function (definition, explicit) { if (!definition.key || !definition.storage) { return; } explicit = explicit || { key: definition.key, storage: definition.storage }; var keys = utils.isArray(explicit.key) ? explicit.key : [explicit.key]; for (var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) { this._definitionsByStorage[explicit.storage] = this._definitionsByStorage[explicit.storage] || {}; this._definitionsByStorage[explicit.storage][keys[i]] = definition; } }; ModuleSystem.prototype._fetchModule = function (definition) { return definition.state >= STATE.DECLARED ? vow.resolve() : this._loadFullBundle(); }; ModuleSystem.prototype._loadFullBundle = function () { if (!this._fullBundlePromise) { for (var moduleName in this._definitionsByName) { if (this._definitionsByName[moduleName].state === STATE.MENTIONED) { this._definitionsByName[moduleName].state = STATE.FETCHING; } } this._fullBundlePromise = this._loadBundle('full'); } return this._fullBundlePromise; }; ModuleSystem.prototype._loadBundle = function (name) { return this._config.fetchBundle(name) .then(function (bundleContent) { bundleContent.missingModules.forEach(function (name) { // No need to count module dependencies, in static bundle case. We load all anyway. var definition = new Definition(STATE.MENTIONED, name, undefined, undefined, [], null, null, undefined); this._definitionsByName[name] = definition; }, this); var sandbox = this._sandbox; // Split all modules into batches and execute them in separate macrotasks. var modules = bundleContent.modules; var batchSize = 400; function executeNextBatches() { return vow.delay().then(function () { var batch = modules.splice(0, batchSize); batch.forEach(function(f) {f(sandbox);}); if (modules.length > 0) { return executeNextBatches(); } }); } return executeNextBatches(); }, this) .catch(function (err) { console.error('ymaps: Failed to bundle "' + name + '".' + (err ? err.stack || err.message || '': '')); throw err; }); }; ModuleSystem.prototype._loadModulesMap = function () { return this._config.fetchMap() .spread(function (data, onFinished) { this._processLoadedMap(data); onFinished(); }, this); }; function getDynamicDepends (definition, dataList) { if (!definition.dynamicDepends) { return EMPTY_ARRAY; } var depends = []; for (var fn in definition.dynamicDepends) { if (!hop.call(definition.dynamicDepends, fn)) { continue; } for (var i = 0, l = dataList.length; i < l; i++) { var data = dataList[i]; if (data === undefined) { continue; } var dep = definition.dynamicDepends[fn](data); if (isModuleReference(dep)) { depends.push(dep); } } } return depends; } function getDynamicDependency (definition, key, data) { return hop.call(definition.dynamicDepends, key) ? definition.dynamicDepends[key].call(null, data) : MISSING_DYNAMIC_VALUE; } function isModuleReference (module) { return typeof module === 'string' || isStorageEntry(module); } function getModuleNameForLogging (name) { return name && typeof name === 'object' ? name.key + '@' + name.storage : String(name); } function isStorageEntry (module) { return module != null && typeof module === 'object' && typeof module.key === 'string' && typeof module.storage === 'string'; } /** * Converts allowed formats listed below to the first one. * 1. { modules: ['name', { key: 'x', storage: 'y' }], data: { foo: 'bar' } } * 2. { modules: 'name', data: { foo: 'bar' } } * 3. { key: 'x', storage: 'y' } * 4. 'name' */ function normalizeRequiredNames (names) { var isArray = utils.isArray(names); if (typeof names === 'object' && !isArray && hop.call(names, 'modules')) { return { modules: utils.isArray(names.modules) ? names.modules : [names.modules], data: names.data }; } return isArray ? { modules: names } : { modules: [names] }; } return module.exports; })({ vow: ym.vow, './ym.utils': ym.utils }); var IMAGES_URL = ym.env.server.url + '/' + ym.env.server.path.replace(/\/$/, '') + '/images/'; ym.modules = new ModuleSystem({ dependenciesContext: ym, initialBudleName: ym.env.preload.bundle, fetchBundle: function (name) { // Store namespace in window with some unique name as an easy way to support any requested namespace. var namespace = ('__ymaps_' + ym.env.namespace + '_' + Date.now()).replace(/\W/g, '_'); global[namespace] = ym.ns; var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = ym.env.hosts.static + ym.env.bundles[name]; script.setAttribute('data-ymaps-api-ns', namespace); script.setAttribute('data-ymaps-api-version', '2.1.79-12971207'); script.async = true; var deferred = ym.vow.defer(); script.onerror = deferred.reject.bind(deferred); ym.ns.__provideBundle = deferred.resolve.bind(deferred); document.head.appendChild(script); return deferred.promise().always(function (promise) { delete global[namespace]; return promise; }); }, createSandbox: function (moduleSystemInstance) { var modules = Object.create(moduleSystemInstance); modules.importImages = function (imgParams) { return { get: function (imageName) { return IMAGES_URL + imgParams[imageName].src; } }; }; var sandbox = ym.utils.extend({}, ym, { modules: modules }); var dummy = {}; Object.defineProperty(sandbox, '__mock__', {get: function () { return ym.ns['__mock__'] || dummy; }, configurable: false}); return sandbox; } }); /** * @deprecated To be removed in 2.2. */ ym.ns.load = function (moduleList, callback, errorCallback, context) { if (typeof moduleList == 'function') { if (callback) { return ym.ns.ready(['package.full'], /* callback = */moduleList, /* context = */callback); } else { return ym.ns.ready(['package.full'], /* callback = */moduleList); } } if (typeof moduleList == 'string') { moduleList = [moduleList]; } return ym.ns.ready.apply(this, arguments); }; ; (function () { ym.ns.modules = { // Public API. require: function () { return ym.modules.require.apply(ym.modules, arguments); }, isDefined: function () { return ym.modules.isDefined.apply(ym.modules, arguments); }, requireSync: function () { return ym.modules.requireSync.apply(ym.modules, arguments); }, define: function (name, depends, resolveCallback, context) { ym.modules.define.apply(ym.modules, arguments); return ym.ns.modules; }, // Private API. defineSync: deprecated('defineSync'), getDefinition: deprecated('getDefinition'), getState: deprecated('getState'), setOptions: deprecated('setOptions'), flush: deprecated('flush'), nextTick: deprecated('nextTick'), watchResolving: deprecated('watchResolving'), __modules: ym.modules }; /** * Wraps ym.modules.fnName with a deprecation warning. * @ignore * @param {String} fnName */ function deprecated (fnName) { return function () { console.warn('{NS}.modules.{FN} is not a public API and will be removed from {NS}.modules.' .replace(/\{NS\}/g, ym.env.namespace) .replace(/\{FN\}/g, fnName)); var result = ym.modules[fnName].apply(ym.modules, arguments); return result === ym.modules ? ym.ns.modules : result; }; } })(); ; (function (global) { var vow = ym.vow; var requestedEnvPreload = [].concat(['package.system'], ym.env.preload.load.split(',').filter(Boolean)); var envPreload = ym.modules.require(requestedEnvPreload) .then( function (values) { ym.utils.registerImports(ym.ns, requestedEnvPreload, values); callUserCallback(ym.env.preload.onLoad, ym.ns); }, function (error) { callUserCallback(ym.env.preload.onError, error); return vow.reject(error); } ); var domReady = document.readyState === 'complete' || document.readyState === 'interactive' ? vow.resolve() : new vow.Promise(function (resolve) { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', resolve, false); document.addEventListener('load', resolve, false); }); ym.ns.ready = ready; var isFirstReady = true; function ready () { if (isFirstReady) { isFirstReady = false; } var params = {}; if (arguments.length) { if (arguments.length == 1 && typeof arguments[0] == 'object' && !arguments[0].length) { // Call with hash of params. params = arguments[0]; } else if (typeof arguments[0] != 'function') { // Call with modules list as first parameter. params.require = typeof arguments[0] == 'string' ? [arguments[0]] : arguments[0]; params.successCallback = arguments[1]; params.errorCallback = arguments[2] && typeof arguments[2] == 'function' ? arguments[2] : null; params.context = arguments[2] && typeof arguments[2] == 'object' ? arguments[2] : arguments[3]; } else { // Call with regular signature: `successCallback[, errorCallback], context`. params.successCallback = arguments[0]; params.errorCallback = arguments[1] && typeof arguments[1] == 'function' ? arguments[1] : null; params.context = arguments[1] && typeof arguments[1] == 'object' ? arguments[1] : arguments[2]; } } var explicit = params.require || []; var promise = vow.all([ym.modules.require(explicit), envPreload, domReady]).spread(function (values) { ym.utils.registerImports(ym.ns, explicit, values); return ym.ns; }); // Call user callback in setTimeout to trigger default error handling mechanism (window.onerror). promise.then( params.successCallback && function (ym) { setTimeout(params.successCallback.bind(params.context), 0, ym); }, params.errorCallback && function (error) { setTimeout(params.errorCallback.bind(params.context), 0, error); } ); return promise; } function callUserCallback (callbackName, value) { if (!callbackName) { return; } var callbackData = getMethodByPath(global, callbackName); if (callbackData) { // Call user callback in setTimeout to trigger default error handling mechanism (window.onerror). setTimeout(function () { callbackData.method.call(callbackData.context, value); }); } } function getMethodByPath (parentNs, path) { var subObj = parentNs; path = path.split('.'); var i = 0, l = path.length - 1; for (; i < l; i++) { subObj = subObj[path[i]]; if (!subObj) { return undefined; } } return { method: subObj[path[l]], context: subObj }; } })(this); ; if (ym.env.server.params.csp && !ym.supports.csp.isSupported) { ym.logger.warning('CSP is not supported in this browser'); } // Preload vector layer. ym.modules.define('vectorEngine.loadEngine', [ 'vow', // Modules that the engine requires to function. // Check src/jsapi_2_1_modules/imports.ts for their usage. 'Hotspot', 'Monitor', 'collection.Item', 'event.Manager', 'hotspot.layer.Hint', 'hotspot.layer.optionMapper', 'interactivityModel.EventController', 'interactivityModel.layer', 'option.Manager', 'poi.BalloonManager', 'util.shapeFactory' ], function (provide, vow) { if (ym.env.namespace !== 'ymaps') { throw new Error('Vector supports only `ymaps` namespace.'); } if (ym.env.vector.version == null) { throw new Error('No vector version.'); } function loadEngine () { // The vector engine is served as a separate library. var deferred = vow.defer(); var script = document.createElement('script'); script.onload = deferred.resolve.bind(deferred); script.onerror = deferred.reject.bind(deferred); script.src = ym.env.hosts.vectorIndex.replace('{{version}}', ym.env.vector.version); if (ym.env.vector.filename) { script.src = script.src.replace('vector.min.js', ym.env.vector.filename); } document.head.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', script); return deferred.promise().catch(function () { return vow.reject(new Error('Failed to load vector engine')); }); } var loadingProcess = null; provide(function () { loadingProcess = loadingProcess || loadEngine(); return loadingProcess; }); }); ; ym.modules.define('vectorEngine.preload', [], function (provide) { if (ym.supports.vector.isSupported()) { ym.modules.require(['vectorEngine.loadEngine']) .spread(function (loadEngine) { loadEngine(); }); } provide({}); }); ; ym.modules.allowRemoteLoading(); // Register namespace in window. if (nsAccess) { nsAccess.parent[nsAccess.name] = ym.ns; } if (!ym.env.apikeyValid) { console.warn('(Yandex Maps JS API): Invalid API key'); } } 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